Travis Touchdown's past is intentionally left vague and even contradictory over the course of No More Heroes. By the end of the game, it is revealed that he has two long-lost siblings: twin [[Henry Cooldown]] (apparently raised in Ireland) and half-sister [[Jeane]] (the product of an affair between Travis' father and her mother). While the reasons for Henry's separation are unknown, Jeane was secretly raised in a "rotten apartment" where their father regularly molested her. Travis had no knowledge of this, viewing his father (according to Jeane) as a "hard-working family man" and eventually falling in love with Jeane. One summer night, she violently kills his parents out of revenge, leaving Travis to find a bloody Jeane standing over their mangled bodies. Travis suppresses this traumatic memory, seeming only to recall it while drunk.  
Travis Touchdown's past is intentionally left vague and even contradictory over the course of No More Heroes. By the end of the game, it is revealed that he has two long-lost siblings: twin [[Henry Cooldown]] (apparently raised in Ireland) and half-sister [[Jeane]] (the product of an affair between Travis' father and her mother). While the reasons for Henry's separation are unknown, Jeane was secretly raised in a "rotten apartment" where their father regularly molested her. Travis had no knowledge of this, viewing his father (according to Jeane) as a "hard-working family man" and eventually falling in love with Jeane. One summer night, she violently kills his parents out of revenge, leaving Travis to find a bloody Jeane standing over their mangled bodies. Travis suppresses this traumatic memory, seeming only to recall it while drunk.  
At some point, Travis moves into [[Motel NO MORE HEROES]] in Santa Destroy, then wins the [[beam katana]] [[Blood Berry]] on an online auction. He meets [[Sylvia Christel]] at the Death Match Bar one night; she overhears his drunken rambling and offers to help him get even with Jeane. Travis agrees, assassinates 11th ranked hitman [[Helter Skelter]], and joins the [[United Assassins Association]]. After killing Rank 10, [[Death Metal]], Travis realizes that he has become a target for assassins beneath him in rank and has become trapped in the world of assassins. He only agrees to continue ascending the ranks when Sylvia teases the promise of sex once he reaches Rank 1. Strangely, before Sylvia convinces him, he mentions her "promise", indicating that he is still subconsciously aware of his quest for revenge against the murderer of his parents.
At some point, Travis moves into [[Motel NO MORE HEROES]] in Santa Destroy, adopts his cat Jeane, then wins the [[beam katana]] [[Blood Berry]] on an online auction. He meets [[Sylvia Christel]] at the Death Match Bar one night; she overhears his drunken rambling and offers to help him get even with Jeane. Travis agrees, assassinates 11th ranked hitman [[Helter Skelter]], and joins the [[United Assassins Association]]. After killing Rank 10, [[Death Metal]], Travis realizes that he has become a target for assassins beneath him in rank and has become trapped in the world of assassins. He only agrees to continue ascending the ranks when Sylvia teases the promise of sex once he reaches Rank 1. Strangely, before Sylvia convinces him, he mentions her "promise", indicating that he is still subconsciously aware of his quest for revenge against the murderer of his parents.
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"
[6ae6d10c] /w/index.php?diff=next&oldid=1526&title=Travis_Touchdown Error from line 434 of /home/neutral/ Call to undefined function each()
#0 /home/neutral/ DiffEngine->diag(integer, integer, integer, integer, integer)
#1 /home/neutral/ DiffEngine->compareSeq(integer, integer, integer, integer)
#2 /home/neutral/ DiffEngine->diffLocal(array, array)
#3 /home/neutral/ DiffEngine->diff(array, array)
#4 /home/neutral/ Diff->__construct(array, array)
#5 /home/neutral/ MappedDiff->__construct(array, array, array, array)
#6 /home/neutral/ WordLevelDiff->__construct(array, array)
#7 /home/neutral/ TableDiffFormatter->changed(array, array)
#8 /home/neutral/ DiffFormatter->block(integer, integer, integer, integer, array)
#9 /home/neutral/ DiffFormatter->format(Diff)
#10 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->textDiff(string, string)
#11 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->{closure}()
#12 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->generateTextDiffBody(string, string)
#13 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->generateContentDiffBody(WikitextContent, WikitextContent)
#14 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->getDiffBody()
#15 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->getDiff(string, string, string)
#16 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->showDiff(string, string, string)
#17 /home/neutral/ DifferenceEngine->showDiffPage(boolean)
#18 /home/neutral/ Article->showDiffPage()
#19 /home/neutral/ Article->view()
#20 /home/neutral/ ViewAction->show()
#21 /home/neutral/ MediaWiki->performAction(Article, Title)
#22 /home/neutral/ MediaWiki->performRequest()
#23 /home/neutral/ MediaWiki->main()
#24 /home/neutral/ MediaWiki->run()
#25 {main}